Back to School Uniform


Blogger: Kirsten Mann

For many, Back to School sews include beautiful, cute fabrics adorned with apples, pencils, the alphabet etc. Here in the UK, most schools have a compulsory dress code of a school uniform. The main color is... wait for it..... GREY. Honestly, the color is really quite uninspiring.

I thought long and hard about how I could add a certain WOW factor to Flo's school uniform. It wasn't long before it became clear: I could MAKE it. Flo is so little that I couldn't actually find any store-bought uniforms that fit her, so I searched high and low for the right fabric so I could make uniforms that would fit her perfectly and adhere to the dress code.

I decided to make a little capsule selection: a faux layered pinafore using Liberty, 2 pinafores - Arvada and Canterbury and the sweetest ruffle skirt- Kendall. I layered the pinafores with the required polo shirt.

Flo's complementary school uniform colour is burgundy, so we made some burgundy gingham Newberry bows to finish off her school uniform.

To really top it off, I challenged myself to make a school bag that was REALLY colorful and sparkly and everything that Flo would love. It was my first time making a proper bag and, safe to say, I'm hooked. Flo is totally smitten with her Bruges backpack and has already taken any opportunity to fill it with treasures.

Overall, I'm very pleased with how her little uniform capsule looks and, one thing's for sure, she'll definitely be wearing one-of-a-kind! 

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